

The Centre for Microbiology, Virology and Immunology is a structural unit of the Institute dealing with clinical microbiology and immunology. Clinical microbiology has a unique role in the effective treatment of infectious diseases. Diagnostic procedures and obtained findings are important to establish an etiological diagnosis and administer an adequate and reasonable antibiotic therapy.

Microbiological assays of clinical samples are carried out in compliance with the international standard for medical laboratories SRPS ISO 15189:2014, as confirmed by the Accreditation Certificate awarded by the Accreditation Body of Serbia (ATS).

Laboratory activities of the Centre for Microbiology, Virology and Immunology are performed in the following laboratories:

  • laboratory for diagnosing bacterial and fungal infections on diverse clinically relevant samples;
  • laboratory for mycobacteria;
  • laboratory for haemocultures and sterility control;
  • immunology laboratory;
  • laboratory for viral testing
  • laboratory for nutrient media preparation and sterilisation

The primary activity of the Centre is isolation and identification of bacterial infection inducing bacteria. Isolation and identification of infectious agents are performed applying standard microbiology procedures and commercial biochemical assays. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of isolated agents is performed by the disc-diffuse method and concentration gradient (Е-test) for specific antibiotics, in compliance with standard guidelines, as recommended by the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing). Microbiology diagnostics is carried out using a modern instrument for permanent monitoring of haemocultures, BacT/Alert System.

In diagnosing mycobacterial diseases, besides solid media cultures (Lowenstein-Jensen), a BacT/Alert instrument for automated diagnosis of tuberculosis is also utilized. The device has reduced the time required for diagnosing the diseases induced by the bacteria of the genus Mycobacterium.

QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) diagnostic test, which is an indirect test to confirm the infection by M. tuberculosis bacteria complex, is also performed in the Laboratory.

Concurrently, the Laboratory is the third-level laboratory for diagnosing tuberculosis and the regional laboratory for the entire region of the province of Vojvodina, as bacteria identification at the strain level and the resistance test for М. tuberculosis is performed in this laboratory exclusively.

In the Immunology Laboratoryof the Centre, besides immunodiagnosis of rheumatoid and autoimmune diseases, the latest technique using an Uni Cap100 device is also applied to examine collective inhalant and nutritive allergens and measure the eosinophil cation protein which determins the course and effects of the infection treatment.

The Centre performs virology assays relevant for pulmonary diseases, applying the ELISA technique to determine IgM and IgG antibodies for the following viruses: Adeno, Cytomegalo, Influenza type А and B, Coxackie, and the bacteria: Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila, as well as the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. Using this technique, the Aspergillus galactomannan antigen is confirmed in the serum and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) sample.

The laboratory for nutrient media produces all kinds of basic and specific media, buffers and solutions to be used in the Centre itself, and for commercial purposes as well.

The Centre for Microbiology, Virology and Immunology has a significant role in the programme of hospital infection control, monitoring the frequency of specific infection agents and resistance to antibiotics in the hospital environment, as well as supervising hospital hygiene, sterilisation and disinfection.

Activities of the Centre are performed by:

  • two Specialists in Microbiology with a PhD degree
  • one physician specialising in Microbiology
  • 14 laboratory technicians

Laboratory Certificates


The Centre for Clinical Biochemistry carries out Good Laboratory Practice and high-quality diagnosing in compliance with the international standard for medical laboratories SRPS 15189:2014, acknowledged by the Accreditation Certificate awarded by the Accreditation Body of Serbia (Akreditaciono telo Srbije – ATS).

09 biohemijaOver 60 different diagnostic general biochemistry parameters are examined in the Centre, as well as specific parameters of the pathology of the heart, lungs, liver (high sensitive troponin , Pro-BNP, angiotensin converting enzyme (АCЕ), adenosine deaminase (ADA)), immunochemistry parameters (immunoglobulins А, М, G and Е, alpha 1-antitrypsin, haptoglobin), markers of inflammation and septic conditions (C-reactive protein, procalcitonin), hematologic and coagulation parameters (D-Dimer).

The equipment of the Centre is automated and includes single-and multi-channel biochemical analysers, Mindray BS 400 and BT 1500 biotechnica, haematology cell counters 5-DIFF, Horiba ABX 80 and Sysmex XS 500 automated coagulation devices ACL ELITE PRO I STAGO SATELLITE, immunochemistry analysers, Mini-Vidas, electrolyte ion-selective analysers, and other devices.

The daily performed internal quality control and participation in the external control EQAS-BIORAD secure accuracy, precision and reliability of the obtained findings.

The Centre has 22 employees: three specialists in medical biochemistry, three advanced laboratory technicians and 12 laboratory technicians.

All staff members of the Centre constantly improve their knowledge through education courses and meetings, innovation courses and professional seminars in the country and abroad, as well as through constant keeping in touch with the latest scientific reports and publications.

Laboratory Certificates



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Пут доктора Голдмана 4
21204 Сремска Каменица

Телефон: +381 (0)21 480 5100
Фаx: +381 (0)21 527 960
Позивни центар: 066 880 5312

Именик лекара (xlsx)
Електронска пошта: ipbvojvodine@gmail.com
Интернет адреса: www.institut.rs

ПИБ: 100804605
МБР: 08042462
ЈБКЈС: 02567